Located in Kyoto PrefectureKeibunsha Ichijoji StoreIn one corner of the picture book corner, we are holding a fair for the latest issue of Gofstein, a tonkachibooks.

We will also develop a framed print, picture book, BOX set, T -shirts and mugs.
If you are nearby, please come and visit us!


M.B. Goffstein Fair @Ebunsha Ichijoji Store
Service: 9/15 (Fri) to 9/30 (Sat)
venue:Keibunsha Ichijoji Store

10 〒606-8184 Ichijoji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

business hours:11:00-19:00

* Notice about business days and business hoursHerePlease refer to the.




M.b.goffsteinTonkachi books