September 9 is Lisa Larson's birthday.

Lisa, who is 91 years old, was recognized by her contribution to her cultural arts in August, and a medal was awarded by the Swedish government, and the celebration mood was at its peak in the home country! So she wants to deliver happy news from her birth from Japan.


Congratulations / Part 1 "Tottori no Rakuda"

In line with Lisa's birthday, we have prepared a special JAPAN series with her dreams in shape! It is a sand that enables collaboration between Tottori companies and Lisa with the technology to solidify sand!

The special site will be open next week. stay tuned!


Celebration / Part 2 "Calendar gift"


From Friday, September 9, those who have been shopping at Tonkatistor will receive a "2023 mini -calendar". An A5 size calendar designed by the rumored "Rabbit Mikey" running through 2023.

* It will end as soon as it is gone.

* We will give you one for one order.


Bonus NEWS / Part 1

I gave a wine to Lisa.

We gave wine to Lisa from Tonkachi. A message from the staff on the pure white label. Of course, the contents are Swedish wine. You want to toast with the same wineHerefrom!



Bonus NEWS / Part 2

The special feature has begun in 2023.

2023 related productsHere


Lisa larson