Look at Yenni.

He approached the art of illustrator, visual artist, and designer Yenni Tuominen.
In a small town in Finland, let' s go on a trip that naturally touches her with inspiration.
Studio Jenni & Jukka


Camera and editing by Jukka Pylväs, 2020. Photos by Jukka Pylväs and Jenni Tuominen.

Jenni Tuominen

He studied graphic design at the Turku Academy of Arts in Fine Art, Helsinki School of Design and Design.
After winning the 2006 design competition in Marimekko, the company won a number of designs at the company.
He was awarded the Finnish State Prize in Illustration in 2017.
Activities beyond illustrations, art, and design domains.He is working on earthenware, painting, and textiles.
He lives in Porvoo, Finland.

Jenni tuominen