Gray has been added to the cat's MISSE.

MISSE was born in the 2014 Lisa Larson exhibition with the motif of two cats, KATT in the 1965 Menageri series and Stora Katten in the 1971 JURA series. It has been commercialized in various ways, such as stuffed animals, key chains, kokeshi and nugi, and is now a popular person who represents Lisa's cat.

Such a MISSE was renewed as a pottery this year, and has requested vintage -flavored brown and tonkachi.Two new color ivory colors are on sale. This time, gray was added, and all three members were finally available.

Everyone who was waiting, I was waiting! Please love all three members.

> Click here for Misse (gray)

> Click here for Missse (Ivory)

> Click here for Missse (Brown)


Lisa larson