Who is Marianne?

Marianne Harberg

WHO AM I?/ 2022/ CERAMIC, WOOD/ 24.0 × 20.5cm/ © ︎Marianne Hallberg

WHO AM I?/ 2022/ CERAMIC, Mirror, Wood/ 24.0 × 20.5cm/ © ︎Marianne Hallberg

Tonkachi Co., Ltd. will open a gallery "No Kogiri" in Sarugaku -cho, Shibuya -ku, Tokyo. As the first exhibition, the Swedish ceramic artist, Marianne Harberg, will be held in Japan's first solo exhibition, "Who is Marianne?"
Marianne is a 70 -year -old Swedish ceramic artist. She says, "When I was young, I thought I knew everything." She says, "I wouldn't have been able to live." She encountered her tough job, "pottery that takes time for each process," allows her to meet her and affirm her life. She says she has lived so far. Pottery is the benefactor of her life before she was a job. She has found that her pottery can see the world she can see, as she feels, without intervening the interpretation of others as she feels. She is convinced that her life and continuation are right, and she believes that the rightness is connected to humor. And the place where the worldview appears the most is a solo exhibition, and she creates humor full of rooms throughout the exhibition. She says, "I feel sympathy for my scientist." The solo exhibition for her is the current research report on the eternal mystery, "Who are I?"

・ About holding information

Exhibition name: Who is Marianne?
Writer name: Marianne Hallberg
Service period [part1]: Friday, April 22, 2022-May 29, 2022 (Sun)
Service period [part2]: Friday, June 10, 2022-July 10, 2022 (Sun)
Venue: No saw
5-17 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033 Daiichi Nishio Building 2nd floor
TEL 03-6712-7878
Part1 and part2 are reconstructed by replacing a part of the work.
This gallery is currently a complete reservation system.

・ About exhibition

"Who is Marianne?" Is her the first full -fledged exhibition in Japan. The exhibition is divided into the first half and the second half, and some of the works are replaced and reconstructed. The theme is her eternal theme, "Who are you?"

・ About artists

Marianne Hallberg

In 1952, he was born as a florist daughter in Yotivoli, a port town in Sweden. She starts the pottery after she wanders around the world in herth. Her one and only style attracts her advanced creators, and her younger generation her name is her longing potter. She is an artist loved by the artist. Her belief is "Be Kind (Gently!)".

・ About her work

The one that is common in everyday life and the "natural" thing that exists in her hands is the subject of her creation. She has a variety of three -dimensional works, as if the sketches drawn on the plane stood up with will, a flat work like a trick, and a "word" plate to ask us. Many of her works are drawn on a white background with a characteristic blue line called Marianne Blue.


5-17 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Daiichi Nishio Building 2nd floor
TEL: 03-6712-7878
Mail: nokogiri@tonkachi.co.jp
Opening time: 12: 00-19: 00
Holiday: Monday / Tue
This gallery is currently a complete reservation system.

Please make a reservation here.

Marianne hallberg