Goldy is a doll -making business. She is making her dolls inheriting her parents, but she is making a doll in a way different from her parents. She always works while talking to the doll, and for her, doll making is more than just a job. And her dolls have some eager fans and sell more dolls than her parents. In other words, she has some success. She has a lot of pride in that.

She has a different side. A small girl who came to a bakery has her doll. She tries to tell the bakery shopkeeper that the author is a goldy, but she blocks it and does not reveal she is the author. She feels like "I shouldn't do that." Here you can see harsh ethics rather than her kindness. She is afraid that her as her creator will give her a crack between the girl and the doll, and she doesn't care. However, there is a little bit of her own glasses justice.

We see the creator Goffstein's projection in the goludie.

Goldy is secretly favored by carpenters' Oms. She feels that she is communicating somewhere because she has a common point of handling trees. At one point, Goldy is a store in Mr. Solomon, the destination of the doll, and she encounters a Chinese lamp and is very fascinated. It was expensive, but I really want it and buy it. She shows it to the carpenter's Oms, but he doesn't understand its value. For him, it's just a stupid shopping. Goldy and Oms were too different. Naturally, Oms lives in a much more realistic world than her. She is greatly hurt by this. The lamp she thought was so beautiful seemed to be ridiculous.

People always fail if they equate themselves with others or idealize others as a saucer of their thoughts. But love is originally like that. How much you can overlap with your fantasy is the decisive factor in love. Many people fail and hurry to fix them. Eventually, as you get used to it, he and her turn into ordinary adults. However, those who are very frustrated there and have not been able to fix them will be afraid of being others, without being able to grow up. And there is a lot of trends in Goldy.

Goldy found beauty on the lamp because of her experience, aesthetics, and herself. In other words, she wants a lamp as a result of all of her life. But her beliefs are shaking due to Oms's incomprehension. What everyone thinks here is that her belief is so weak. It's like our level! That's fine! ? We are worried about the surprising development.

The story goes further. Goldy meets the creator of a fairy in his dream. He says, "I made a work for you who have never met. Thank you for understanding." That's why Goldy reconsidered that what I was looking for was exactly what it was. Instead of being affected by others' evaluation, I realize that I created a work for someone I had never met and was alive. At this moment she survives and regenerates from despair.

Let's think more. How did Goldy change before and later?

Goldy was one or any artist. She uses the raw wood collected as a doll material and does not use the material made. She lives together all the time while working with one doll and builds it on one of the parts. And after it was sold as a product, she wouldn't call himself as an author. In other words, she is an artist with a belief that has established her own way. And she has some success than her parents, at least.

But that's not enough. Artists with such a belief are all over the place. It's just a small, small success, just a success of your own glasses. But Goldy has originally noticed it. She is aware of her. So the author Goffstein uses more than half of this book to explain her. She wants to explain to us that she is aware. And that's why she was able to call the fairy into her dream.

The dream fairy is dedicating life = work for someone who has never met. It is beyond the small success of the individual, beyond the small beliefs of the individual. It is a chain of all the artists around the world. It's not a small commitment or technical theory to express, it's like a way of life.

The place where Goldy reached is not easy. You'll ask if your life = work will be dedicated to someone who has never met or will never meet.

If it is a delusion that promises to be setbacks, it may be a delusion to dedicate to someone who has not met. But it's a delusion that won't be frustrated until you die. We call a delusion that is not frustrated. People are an artist, not, but living left traces like "stains", and in that sense, everyone is an expressionist. The "true stain" as your living proof is made for someone you have never met.

He doesn't work hard for that person, not to work hard for that person. Dedicate for those who have never met, may not meet for a lifetime.

The author, Goffstein, explains how he was able to exceed the time he was satisfied with a little success through the Goldy story, and now he knows what is really important. I will try to report what I am doing my best. She is always. She always tries to convey her, as she knows, and now she has just reached her. So the Goffstein story has a desperate sadness. And it is there all the time, like the wound on the pillar.

After this experience, Goldy must have shifted from a busy doll writer to order to a different place. It will look like a goldy that is the same for others. It may be a bit brighter than before, but nothing else will change. But she creates a doll and lives for someone who has never met. She has always been staring at her, but she looks at someone she has never met. She will not be lost because her heart is always illuminated by the light from it. She will not hate Oms. However, she did not give him an illusion, but she tried to understand the difference from him, trying to understand the difference, and tried to see his truth. You may try to love. And she may still be the author, but she may laugh and say, "I made it for you."


M.b.goffsteinTonkachi books