Lisa Larson drinks Lisa Larson wine!


The next -generation winery "Krabelice Vingdo" and Tonkachi, which lead to Swedish wine, have built Lisa Larson limited wine to commemorate the Swedish wine's first landing in Japan.

I will document her for the first time when Lisa drinks her representative work "Rickei" and "Imeln" for the first time!

At Lisa's atelier, I had Lisa's friend, Kumi, drink.

The reservation site of "Imeln" and "Rickei" of Krabelis Vingode and Lisa's collaboration wine and Rickei is the reservation siteFrom here


"I'm going to drink Lisa Larson wine, but what do you think this tastes?"

"Yeah, it's hard to explain in wine jargon well, but it's a bit sour and refreshing taste like a blue apple? I can't imagine it."

-Tasting the red Mikey label "Rickeri"

"Then, let's drink. Cheers!"


-Drink Rickeri's wine.


"Yeah, this is delicious! It's an interest taste. The moment you drink it, this is a bit different from ordinary wine, it feels like a punch."

"I really think so! The moment I get into my mouth, I feel a bit crisp like sparkling."

"Yeah! I felt a delicious apple -like flavor."

"Oh, it might look like that if you say that."

"I'm not familiar with special wine, but I love white wine and red wine, and I think this is a really good wine."

"I guess it's pretty fruity."

"Certainly so!"

- Let's drink a bite



"Yeah, it's a little unusual type."




"It's very delicious to enjoy various sensations in your mouth!"


"It feels softer than the wine I usually drink. Does it feel good after drinking?"


"That's right. I'm a tingling as Lisa says, but I feel a mellow mouthfeel."


-Tasting the blue Mikey label "Imeln"



"Next, let's taste this blue Mikey bottle."


"This is also delicious. Does this feel more mellow?"


"I may like this one! It's the same year as I drank before, but I think it tastes more deep and ripe. Even the chocolate atmosphere somewhere. I wonder if it feels like it feels. I think it will fit both fish and meat dishes if this is a white wine. "


"Oh, if you say that, it may feel like that! This has a longer aftertaste."


"The same white wine as the first wine is a completely different character."


"You're good at expression!"


"That's not the case, but I love wine! (Laughs)"


"Even so, it's amazing that this wine was built in Sweden!


"Yes, there is my villa here on the map drawn on this bottle."


"Oh, yeah. It's just the other side of the winery!"


"Yes, the waist coast. It's a very nice place."


Wine is a memory of marriage

Cum"Do you have any memories of Lisa in wine?"

"I don't know. I've lived for many years, so I have a lot of memories. Among them, I guess it's especially about the day of the wedding. I never drunk before I got married to Gunnal. December 13 On the day of the St. Lucia Festival, we were both parents and friends, and at the village mayor's house, we had a witness to be a professor of Gunnal and my school pottery teacher, and had a wedding. "

"Well, didn't you tell anyone!? Why?"

"I thought I didn't need to say because my dad lived so far, and I didn't want to do it so much, so I didn't say it. I had a wedding in the morning and the mayor. I had lunch together with the people who became witnesses, and there was a disguise party with my friends because it was the night of the Lucian festival. I have a half -withering bouquet in the middle of winter, wedding dress -style. I went to the party in the party, so my friends looked at it and laughed. But no one knew we got married (laughs). At that party, I was a wine for the first time and I got drunk. I remember it. Gunnal was drunk, and I never danced with me, even though it was a wedding night, but danced only with other girls. I thought. I got a platter of cheese from a friend on the way home, but he got drunk, and on the way home, he dropped the cheese (laughs). "
Lisa larson