Tonkachi's winery report

~ First grape harvest, long day-

I was invited and went to the winery.

I went to the winery for the first time, so I wondered what kind of atmosphere it was.
However, not only Felix and Victor, but also the surrounding staff
A warm atmosphere. The conversation was exciting immediately!
It was not only the staff of the winery, but also the children living in the neighborhood.
About 30 people up to grandpa and grandmother.
After receiving a lecture on how to pick it, start all at once. A young grape blooms in the conversation
And harvested while comparing the grapes at the time of harvesting.
Although it was one corner of the grape garden that actually loaded grapes, it was in the morning to finish picking
It is quite hard work.
It was a good exercise! And it was full of exhilaration!
However, the next morning I suffered from muscle (laughs).


Winery long day

7:00 AM

When people go to the winery.
First, greet you with you.

7:15 AM

When everyone gathered
Felix trumpet resounds.

7:30 AM

I'm pleased to meet you, today!
Let's go to pick the grapes together.

8:00 AM

Change the place to the backyard
Explain today's setup.

8:15 AM

Winery cat,
Vera also listens to the story.

8:30 AM

Everyone wear gloves and prepare.
Vera is also watching.

9:00 AM

Scissors on gloves.
Preparing to pick is all.

9:15 AM

Because it was after the rain
The grass is also fresh and sparkling.

9:30 AM

Three of Tonkachi staff.
This is the first challenge of grapes!

10:00 AM

Put the harvested grapes
Have many buckets! !

10:15 AM

"Are you doing it properly?"
Vera is also reconnaissance! ?

10:30 AM

Because it is surrounded by nature.
The air is also delicious!

11:00 AM

Details about grapes
Brian explains.

11:15 AM

Because grapes are grown near the ground
To pick it up. Uhhhhhh!

11:30 AM

While gently holding a grape bunch
One carefully one by one.

12:00 PM

Tonkachi staff
A lot of harvest!

12:15 PM

While picking grapes
Conversation doubles fun!

12:30 PM

In a blink of an eye
Two buckets with grapes.

12:30 PM

Winery cat,
●● To listen to the story.

13:00 PM

"Thank you!"
Victor who works as a staff.

13:15 PM

Winery full of nature
The FIKA while watching is cool.

13:30 PM

Enjoy conversation or be healed naturally
I enjoy each FIKA.

13:45 PM

Wine that I prepared last year
Felix that serves.

13:50 PM

Impression of tasting
be on one's mind!

14:00 PM

Vera is tired
A nap time for a while.

14:15 PM

Beautiful white wine

14:30 PM

First of all, from the scent
To taste.

14:45 PM

For everyone's happy face
Felix is ​​also smiling.

15:00 PM

Wine to drink under the blue sky
It is exceptional.

15:15 PM

Grapes illuminated by the sun
It looks good and looks delicious.

15:30 PM

For such a large container
It seems that the grapes are full.

15:30 PM

It continues forever
A vineyard that looks like.

15:45 PM

With a picnic mood
Grape harvest.

15:50 PM

Take a walk in the vineyard.

16:00 PM

Everyone has a grape field
Big movement!

16:10 PM

No matter how many buckets
Not so much.

16:20 PM

The grapes that have grown.

16:25 PM

The state of everyone's harvest
Victor snaps.

16:30 PM

If you get tired
A little rest in standing story.

16:40 PM

The container is quite full
It's coming.

16:45 PM

It's getting heavier
The container moves by tractor.

16:50 PM

A little taste.
Hmm! It's delicious♪

17:00 PM

So many
I got it!

17:00 PM

Buckets one day
Cheers for good work!

17:10 PM

Thanks to many people
I feel that wine is made.

17:20 PM

It's still bright
The beginning of dinner.

17:30 PM

A warm beef stew that everyone was.

17:35 PM

To accompany beef stew
Krabelice white wine matches.

17:40 PM

While watching the dusk outside
The dinner was so cool!

In the event of a warmth
bon appetite!

He made a dinner
Victor's father!
I'm sorry that there are only photos in the back.
Thank you for the meal!

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