The heart is not a word.

Tonkachi is a picture book "Anshin Animuzu, with the Lisa Larson Exhibition World -with Classic Masterpiece", which has been around the country since March 2023. ].

The theme of the exhibition "SEEN and UNSEEN" (what is visible and invisible) is based on Lisa's fictional animal series "UNSEEN Animals". The sound of this "UNSEEN" sound was born, and the concept of a picture book was born, imagining the sound. As usual, it is the beginning of Lisa World, where one thing is chain and spread one after another.

The invisible creature "Anshin Animuruzu." Is not speaking words, but by emitting unique sounds, it conveys something more important than words. It's the same as a human baby before you learn the words, and we are impressed by the unique sound of the heart that tries to convey something. It is the beauty and innocence of the source of communication like a mirage, which is lost with the acquisition of words. And even if you don't rely on words, it's true that your heart is well communicated, so it's a real "Anshin". I want you to be impressed.

The beginning is pottery!

"Anshin Animuru. = UNSEEN Animals" is an original with four pottery works made by Lisa Larson on a fictitious animal. Everyone is different, everyone is pleasant, and somehow relaxed, an amulet -like animal. The four originals will be produced limited for this exhibition (will be sold exclusively for exhibition venues).


It seems to make the negative jagged with a proud horn.

And this child is a phantom "Anshin Animuzu."


It seems that you can run fast tomorrow if you manage this way of sitting.


It seems that you can sing while talking with two mouths.


With a large ear, you can hear what the ants are talking about.

* Pottery is at the venue at the venue of "Lisa Larson Exhibition with the World Classic Masterpiece"Limited sales

And to "Anshin Animaruzu."

A new sketch was added to the four originals, and it became a character "Anshin Animaruzu. = UNSEEN ANIMALS" with a total of 24 (but it seems that there are really 25!).

The planner says

The project was like the sound of "Unseen Animals" turned into the sound of "Anshin Animaru." It is a book born by a baby born and noticing how rich the word is while the baby is born and the child is in contact with the child every day. The sounds emitted by the baby, such as "Ah" or "Bauba", are different every day and changes steadily. The sound is not attached to the sound, and the feeling of moving unintentionally to convey emotions, that is, the "heart" is sticking together. That's why I don't know, but something I can't speak is transmitted. I'm crying. be impressed. I think that what is said to be a babble is a flower of communication that blooms for a moment. The sound of the baby is a miracle series every day. The sound of the baby will surely not be transmitted to us as the baby himself wants. But even if you don't get it, don't give up without despair, and believe in the world and make a sound. I think I'm impressed by that. I guess I gave up telling me right away, I was immediately distrusted by the world, and I was impressed by the baby and reflecting on it. I wanted to connect this to Lisa's fictional animals. I thought these animals were from before the words. But all of Lisa's work is so.


Introducing the contents of the picture book!

Foo, Kupu ~, Girogirora!

It is a picture book that everyone wants to read aloud together.

What is this child's name? What kind of child? What are you saying? Isn't there such a story? While talking about that, I want you to make your favorite sound and read it freely.

It is a picture book that is full of eyes, fun, fun, and communicated.

Exhibition information

"Lisa Larson Exhibition World of Unknown Creation-with Classic Masterpieces" is being toured nationwide. Please check the following for details.

Lisa larson