


Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products
Snail and rabbit jugSnail and rabbit jug
Alessandra Baldereschi Snail and rabbit jug
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Rabbit and tree jugRabbit and tree jug
Alessandra Baldereschi Rabbit and tree jug
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Saga and tree jugSaga and tree jug
Alessandra Baldereschi Saga and tree jug
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Bird and tree jugBird and tree jug
Alessandra Baldereschi Bird and tree jug
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Jug of the tree on the moonJug of the tree on the moon
Alessandra Baldereschi Jug of the tree on the moon
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Shirokuma and Wish Tree jugShirokuma and Wish Tree jug
Alessandra Baldereschi Shirokuma and Wish Tree jug
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Shirokuma and tree jugShirokuma and tree jug
Alessandra Baldereschi Shirokuma and tree jug
Sale price¥6,050(Tax in)
Gingerbread and lollipop jugGingerbread and lollipop jug
Poinsettia Jug (White)Poinsettia Jug (White)
Alessandra Baldereschi Poinsettia Jug (White)
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Poinsettia Jug (Red)Poinsettia Jug (Red)
Alessandra Baldereschi Poinsettia Jug (Red)
Sale price¥13,200(Tax in)
Cactus fluid
Alessandra Baldereschi Cactus fluid
Sale price¥11,000(Tax in)
Alessandra Baldereschi Squirrels
Sale price¥11,000(Tax in)

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