Risk fox Lill is a very active boy born between Rudy and Cyrill. Ril with a naughty face always runs around and is looking for his favorite caterpillar and caterpillars.
He's a kind of mischievous type, but he has a cuteness that he wants to bite. It has a soft natural shade and matches the woody atmosphere.
[About Donna's stuffed animal]
Handmade stuffed animals have their own name and personality. After the creator hugs it tightly, it will be delivered to the customer.
He's a kind of mischievous type, but he has a cuteness that he wants to bite. It has a soft natural shade and matches the woody atmosphere.
[About Donna's stuffed animal]
Handmade stuffed animals have their own name and personality. After the creator hugs it tightly, it will be delivered to the customer.