Lisa Larson JAPAN SERIES's zodiac figurine is "Tori Seeing".
Based on the prototype made of an atelier in Sweden, Hasami craftsmen in Nagasaki Prefecture were finished by hand. At the end of the eyes that looked somewhere, the twelve support "Tori" in front of "Inu" came to mind and named it "Tori Miku".
The message from Lisa is "I want you to put everyone's hope ahead of the eyes."

[From the planner]
This dog is looking at the sky a little. And it looks fun. The previous year was "Koinotori", so I guess this child is watching it. I thought that I would give it off because the zodiac sign of the previous year would be taken over, so I named the dog looking at the bird, "I see Tori." From around here, the feelings of the zodiac came into ourselves, and it became like a project that triggers the zodiac and talk about a new story.