Marianne Harberg's first solo exhibition "Who is Marianne?" Will be held from January 5 at C'est Cool Shop & Gallery in Neyagawa City, Osaka Prefecture.

This is a tour of Japan's first solo exhibition held at a gallery saw from April to July 2022. In addition to the works exhibited at the saw, some new vases introduced in the serialized project "Marianne's Seasonal Wind" will be exhibited.
The exhibition scenery with a sawFrom hereYou can see it.

In the gallery, you can also see Marianne's Seto ware series and miscellaneous goods designed by Marianne.

C'est Cool Shop & GalleryOpened in November 2022,Regardless of genre, paintings, crafts, and craft artistsIt is a gallery that introduces works. For more information, please see the following site.


"Who is Marianne?"

Venue: C'EST COOL SHOP & GALLERY (2-15 Kato Shinmachi, Neyagawa City, Osaka Prefecture)

Hall period: Thursday, January 5, 2023 -January 29 (Sun)

Regular holiday:Monday / Tuesday

Business hours: 10: 30-18: 00


Marianne hallberg