Lisa, who has entered the pottery department, which was 18 years old, was not the first aspiring, will exceed her pottery life for over 72 years this year. The numbers are glittering like the feat of a baseball player who hit hundreds of home runs. That's amazing. I had no predictions at all, but she was very long, deep, and involved in Lisa Larson. But it's been only 15 years. Before Lisa's 72 years of artist life, it seems like nothing.
We see Lisa's work all year round. But still, when Lisa's work comes out of the box, she says it's amazing, Lisa. I think that this moment has been going on for 15 years, as if it were the secret of a silent and well -friendly couple. When we turn 90, we want to make such a relationship with someone. Congratulations to Lisa, 90 years old. Your creation has surely changed our lives. And thank you to everyone who supported me.