At that time, I was 15 years old. Mikey Birthday to you!

In line with the 15th anniversary of Mikey's birth, I asked the people around me about the age of 15.
* I did the same project last year, but the illustration my key is a little bigger. understand? ? ?


● When I was 15 years old

I thought it was fashionable to eat misdo at the station, so I often went with my friends.


I loved Toma Ikuta.


There was a Great East Japan Earthquake.


A playful adult was noticed.


She said she was always a grumpy girl.


It was just 3 in the countryside.


It was already high. In the dormitory, the lights were off time, so I didn't have enough time for the shower, and I took a shower in the dark. And fried chicken in the cafeteria. These two are the best 2 memories!


If it is said that it is an aging society, "Become a caregiver!" And the international community has changed, "For interpretation!"


I lived in a four -person room in a school dormitory. Two people can breathe, three people can break, and they have to be four.


I liked Bana Yoshimoto's "TUGUMI". Rather than the content, I liked the paper quality of the cover, the flowers and birds drawn, so I decorated them in the room.


The teacher told me that you have the most boring face.


I was so worried that my eyes were bad and I narrowed my eyes, so I was quite worried that I was told that I was a bad look, so I made a contact with a spirit.


Basically, I played playfully every day. If you put a manga cover to all textbooks, and if your teacher pays attention, you will scream, "Eh! To study! Met.


Everyone in the class knew that my favorite was mandarin oranges, so when the oranges came out for lunch, they gave me a priority. And everyone blessed each person, and the plate was always a mandarin mountain.


Schools and cram schools were all of my life. In a study school in an old building, I was studying in a classroom where there was no window, dusty and fluorescent lighting. I was not used to the familiar feeling that the teacher at the cram school called the student with the name below, and I was always uncomfortable.


Because it was a junior and senior high school, there was no exam, and the world changed, but I was still crazy.


There were a lot of adults who were flashy and seemed to be in a good mood and economy in the drama, and the variety was over -aggressive compared to the present. In the middle three, it was such an era where it was somewhat difficult to watch TV.


It was a bad child who was longing for a bad thing that did not do what his parents say. It was swept away.


Please do your best in math classes! I was told many times by the teacher. again and again.


It was black and black in the sunburn.


He was a regular in the staff room and was often angry, but the angry teacher seemed to be laughing somewhere. There was only one scary and angry, but that was the worst. When you get angry, you have to laugh somewhere. Because that is an adult.


I concentrated on the retirement game of the soft tennis club, but after that, I couldn't be in the exam mode at all.


Because it was a countryside, I was the same member for 12 years from kindergarten to junior high school. I didn't get in touch with other people, so I was too excited to enter high school.


I hate schools and I didn't study, and what were you doing?


Friendship is the most important thing, not only while at school, but also for 1-2 hours every day after returning home, it seems that there is no content, but for me at that time. I had to talk about the indispensable, unbeatable story.


I remembered that I couldn't sleep because my growth was over 10 cm in a year, and my growth pain hurt.


The K-POP was popular, and we were fighting on which group was the best.


I was in a band in club activities, but I couldn't sing as I wanted. If you play in the bath during the training camp and sing as much as you can, that's it for your friends! I was told.


I entered high school and danced to resurrect the dance. Since then, I've been dancing all the time.


Everyone sang the same song for a month during English classes. In one month, "It's My Life" was selected and the whole class sang. What was that.


When I emailed my mother, "The cram school is over!" I went back while rowing my bicycle, my mother and dog walking fast, and talking about today's events.

Lisa larson