Me and Her Christmas 1989

"The good news is that you're a very happy person," Deloris began.
At Christmas 1989, across from Deloris was a small woman in a flannel shirt and jeans, M. B. Goffstein, my wife.

We spent our vacation that year in New Orleans, Louisiana.
At that time, I met Deloris, a fortune teller, at the ``Bottom of the Cup'' on Rue Conti. Out front was a gift shop with specialty teas, crystal balls, tarot cards, the I Ching, yarrow sticks, and books on astrology and palmistry. The back part was separated by an amber beaded curtain. When a customer entered the private room, there was a clanging sound and the curtains swayed.

Brooke (we all called Goffstein by his middle name) loved new things, and reading tea leaves was his first experience.
This was a technique to capture imagination from the tea leaves left in the cup after drinking black tea.

Deloris brought her face closer to the cup.
"You have a big bull," Deloris said, pointing to a cluster of leaves.
"And this is his mate, a beautiful cow. Isn't it lovely?"
"You've got the ability. You've got the power. You've got the talent. You're holding the bull by the horns, but he seems very stubborn. Things aren't going your way. Give me a minute, let's talk." That's what you're saying

Brooke thought. "Maybe the cow is my job."

she responded. ``I'm changing jobs, or trying to change jobs.''

"You're a very spiritual person. You're going to publish a book this big," Deloris said, holding her hands about five inches apart.
Brooke was surprised. She hadn't said anything about herself.

Brooke never forgot this episode all her life, and she told it again and again.
She must have felt like this was proof that her book was being seen somewhere.

"That's the size of the book," Brooke said, leaning toward Deloris.

"I published them, so it already happened."

"I guess so. There's more and more, and more and more."

Brooke took a deep breath.
"People's complaint about my books is that they're books that adults like. And now I'm taking pictures instead of drawing."

After Brooke published his last book that year, he just started photographing the secret lives of teacups and dolls. She had decided not to publish any more of her new books.
She wanted to do something new and could not repeat the same thing as the publisher wanted. She admired Chieko Suemori, who runs a publishing company in Japan, so she decided that from now on she would only publish in Japan.
It took a lot of courage, and Brooke knew it might be wrong, but she had to be right for her soul.

"Your husband loves you devotedly," Deloris said.
"Even when he's not with you, his heart is with you."

Actually, at that time, I was wandering around the store, hoping to see something in the cloudy crystal ball. However, all I could see was a fog-like smudge that seemed to have no meaning. Suddenly Brooke called my name.

"Dave, that was great!" she said.
“I need to see your tea leaves too!”

"I already know my future. No matter what happens in our future, it's the best future for me."

In Christmas 2023, Deloris' prediction came true, and M. B. Goffstein's books continue to be published in new forms (thank you, Tonkachi). Her spirit is still with us.

Merry Christmas everyone! And that the future is full of kindness, discovery, and love.


David Allender


Read more by M. B. Goffstein.

