Ask Jenni. Making my work.

I asked Jenni specific questions about making works. Some fragmentary reply came from her. She will reply as many times as she comes up with something.
I like drawing with ink, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic. Each has its own characteristics. For example, watercolor painting is exciting because it is unpredictable where the paint will spread. In the case of ink, it feels more relaxed and relaxed. I also use the dry branches, leaves, and grass I found in nature as a brush. You will be very free. Acrylic paint is the easiest to handle. I also like the matte finish drawn with gouache.

Usually draw on paper or canvas. It will look a little different depending on which one you draw. I also like drawing with felt pens and pencils. I like to draw on TV at night. You can relax and draw while eating breakfast. I almost always draw on my notebook, but always put the date.

I like to work freely. Move your hands without thinking about what will come out of the clay. It always creates a surprise. Always always.

Occasionally, I am asked to make a work for my pet. I think it's a great idea for the owner to ask me at that time, such as the cat or dog I had died.

I like to touch clay, and I love the various processes of making pottery. My favorite size is small and medium. Large works are rarely made. Occasionally, a very good work is born, so I'm secretly making it my own. There are shelves that can't be touched, and there's a secret collection there.

I like to make cats, owls, pony and girls. It's interesting to make it, and each one is always different. My art is all different. I don't make the same thing. Even if you try to make it, it will be a slightly different expression and pose. It's difficult to draw a face, but it's especially difficult to make it just right. Everything changes when you apply glaze or bake. So you can't make the same thing completely. That's the charm of pottery.


"Sarugaku -cho, Shibuya -ku, a forest without king."

Jenni Tuominen

◯ Writer name: Jenni Tuominen(Yenni Tuominen)

◯ Seminar: August 25, 2023 (Friday)-October 15th (Sun)
* No reservations on weekends and holidays are required. Pre -orders are required for water, Thursday and Friday from the web.
Please make a reservation here.

◯ Opening time: 12: 00-19: 00 (Opening on holidays)

◯ Holiday Day: Monday / Tue

◯ Venue: No saw
5-17 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033 Daiichi Nishio Building 2nd floor
TEL: 03-6712-7878


Jenni tuominen